
January 22, 2018

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CES 2018 - Our Perspective

After last year’s CES, we wrote about one of the most common themes of that show, IoT consumer applications in the home and Voice Control. Our thought then was that “most devices were only adding voice or remote control that provides essentially a one-to-one relationship, from controller to device”. Although that one-to-one relationship still exists at this year’s show, we found that Voice Activation across ALL devices is definitely coming …connecting your entire life.


Not unlike last year’s show, AI seemed to be everywhere this year and Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant were the most prominent. As these virtual assistants become a virtual family member, the next big push is for them to be EVERYWHERE in the home, including our kitchen appliances, in our showers, in our bathroom mirrors and even on our toilet! Companies like Kohler and Samsung say that communication amongst all of these devices is coming soon eliminating the thought of a cold shower in the future!


Cars and smart cities also took center stage at this show. As one of the top 10 shows in the country for auto manufacturers, CES 2018 proved to be their playground. AI is creeping into the automobiles and gone will be the days of buttons on a car’s dashboard controlling the “infotainment” functions inside your car. Voice will soon activate everything from the HVAC system, media, communication and navigation systems. One of the most interesting we saw was an AR “holographic” screen displayed on the car’s dashboard that moves with eye movement and displays what we “tell” it to. Cars will be soon be able to talk to your connected refrigerator and you will never be low on milk again.  


Perhaps the biggest way that we saw AI transform itself to a truly IoT connected platform was how the future consumer will move from their smart home to their smart car through their smart city. Connected infrastructures, integrated public transit, and intelligent electricity grids through 5G connectivity will help to reduce traffic congestion, increase public safety and the ensure the city’s sustainability. “Smart cars” will be able to talk with the “smart cities” to help achieve the perfect ecosystem.  


A fully integrated, connected lifestyle with many different relationships built through AI is still not a reality yet, but CES 2018 proved it’s only a matter of time.


Posted by Jill OToole at 2:00 AM