
November 15, 2017

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Congratulations Videotron!

We could have told you we saw it coming!


Last month, our friends at Videotron cemented their place as a leading Quebec, Canadian and international brand - as if there had been any doubt - when the public weighed in as a part of the Ipsos-Infopress Index study. When the votes were tallied, Videotron was at the top of the rankings in two categories: Forward-Thinking and Engagement.


This is news! The Ipsos Brand Influence Index is an international benchmark that measures 826 brands in 16 countries, so Videotron's strong performance is deserving of recognition and congratulations. 


None of this comes as a surprise to those of us who have had the pleasure to work with Videotron over the years. Whenever we've partnered with them -- on next-generation interactive TV, multi-room DVR, or a ground-breaking 4K UHD set-top box -- we've been blown away by their relentless pursuit to bring the best possible viewing experience to their consumers. 


In a press release announcing the Ipsos-Infopresse results, Julie Brault, Videotron's Vice President, Branding & Omnichannel Digital Strategy, talked about the critical role Videotron employees have played in building the brand and delivering the customer experience. The honors, she said, "shows that Videotron is an engaging, forward-thinking brand that is ahead of the curve and more in sync than ever with its customers and their expectations, two critical factors in the digital age." 


We couldn't agree more. 


Posted by Jill OToole at 3:10 AM