
May 23, 2016

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INTX in Review

While some of the most visible themes at INTX 2016 last week involved the shifting dynamics of regulation and consolidation, technology was never far from the spotlight.  The need to meet the demands of new generations of television viewers drove traffic to vendors that are creating the products and services that can deliver better and more engaging user experiences.

At the Alticast booth, strategically positioned near the entrance to one of the key traffic aisles, we saw strong interest in multiple innovations: our middleware/UI support that is underpinning Videotron’s first-in-Canada rollout of 4K ultra high definition services; our cloud DVR platform that is powering deployments in the Asia-Pacific market; and our next-generation AltiView 3 UI.

We had plenty of company when it came to looking at the future of the pay-TV industry.  The show included ample demonstrations and discussions of other technologies that are on operators’ to-do and wish lists, including Comcast’s plans for the 2016 Olympics, virtual reality and the mind-stretching presentations at Imagine Park.  


The new regulations and ownership structures that are so much a part of the pay-TV conversation these days, can’t obscure the need to attract and retain subscribers.  Interest in the technologies on display at INTX 2016 last week – from Alticast and other vendors – showed that the industry remains committed to the innovation required to maintain its competitive edge.


Posted by Melissa Baltz at 4:34 PM